An Open Letter to Catholic School Parents

It’s Catholic Schools Week! I’m gushing this week about why we love it so and dishing on five questions every parent should be asking the principal, a letter to prospective Catholic school parents, the very best gala class project ideas and there’s even an interview with my own kids in the works. Fun week! Let’s hop to it.Considering Catholic school for your children? This letter speaks to why it's such an important decision and how it might be the right choice for your family.Dear Veteran and Prospective Catholic School Parents, 

Let’s chat.

I could yammer on and on about all the benefits of Catholic education – it’s high graduation rates, likelihood of graduates to pursue a religious vocation, the academic rigor or the community-service minded students it produces. And yes, Catholic schools do more for less.

But, I’d like to visit about something greater than that: your role in your child’s faith formation.

I’m the proud mom of six children, five of whom old enough to attend Catholic school. When our eldest (currently an eighth grader) began his first day of kindergarten, he gave us a quick glance over his shoulder and said, “You can go ahead and go, I’ll be fine.” That was right after he was 20 minutes late for his first day of school. Ever. We’re gunning for parents of the year.

And that pretty much sums up our Catholic school experience. With each new milestone, each new thing learned, he’s been fine, despite our shortcomings. More than fine, actually. We’ve been active participants in his education – meeting with teachers, agonizing over drama in the principal’s office, crying in the school parking lot and commiserating with other parents on the latest science fair project. But, it’s been a process of letting him go, while standing in the wings, sometimes to emerge and assist while other times stepping back to watch the show.

What I wish I would’ve known? How awesome it would be to see our son lead the school’s Eucharistic Procession as the lead eighth grader. How quickly my kids would be to offer prayers for a friend because of the habit they formed praying for classmates each day at school. How a community of parents we barely knew would rush to our aid – shuttling kids, bringing meals, offering a shoulder to cry upon – when our son spent 44 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. How a principal would reach out and offer to right a wrong. How a teacher would grab my shoulder and pray with me as we navigated a difficult situation.

You see, Catholic education gets it. All that money you spend? Vacations you don’t take and cars you don’t buy? It’s worth it. Because at the end of the day, I’m seeing generous hearts being formed by teachers and staff who can openly worship God and teach about Him in the classroom. He is the reason they teach. There is no line between my house and the school’s front door.

What a gift, y’all.

I can share smart questions to ask or tips on saving money, but the bottom line? Catholic school is teaching my children virtues that will transcend this life and carry them into the next.

I’d say that’s money well spent.

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My kids on the last day of school (no uniforms!) with Sister


  1. Margaret Chang on January 27, 2015 at 8:59 am

    Amen! Well said!

  2. Madeline on January 27, 2015 at 11:24 am

    For real, this is the reason that I am so looking forward for my kids to be in Catholic school! I am going to show this to my husband so maybe he’ll stop thinking about the price tag so much!

  3. Sarah B. on January 27, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    I love this so much! Especially the Dominican sister, the Colts t-shirt, and the smiles. We love Catholic schools too. 🙂

  4. […] being “for our family.” The sacrifices have been many, but so are the rewards. I wrote an open letter earlier this week, where you get my […]

  5. Tetsi on February 22, 2016 at 5:44 am

    Wow! You seem like a long lost older sister! I hope to learn a lot from your blog. You are spot on with so many things! I have six kids and next year 5 of them will be at a catholic school. Can I ask where your Dominican Sisters come from? Ours are out of Nashville. They add so much to our already great school. Keep writing, I need all these tips. Thanks

    • Kathryn on February 24, 2016 at 9:20 pm

      We have Ann Arbor Dominicans – love them! Those Nashville Dominicans are pretty special, too.

  6. Rita on February 23, 2022 at 4:20 pm

    I was so scared that i would not be able to afford Catholic school and now I have a high schooler in Catholic school and an almost 2nd grader! BEST decision of our lives! We dont take as many vacations and I drive a paid off 2016 suv because they deserve the education and close community in their lives 🙂

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