NICU Nurses are Amazing

Today is National Neonatal Nurses Day.  Can I get a holla?

Luke was blessed with so many amazing medical professionals during his NICU stay.  It was the nurses, though, that trudged with us through most of the stay.  Yes, our doctors were amazing, without a doubt. But…

It was Beth who held my hand when we found out about yet another horrible diagonsis.

It was Nicole who stood at the door at Dell and greeted us with a “We’ll take great care of you and Luke” and meant every word.

It was Lisa who had OCD like me and loved on Luke during the night shift.

It was Leah who walked behind Luke as he was wheeled into emergency surgery – at my urgent plea – and gave me peace of mind I may never have had otherwise.

It was Janet who kept me supplied with Dr Pepper and pacifiers.

It was Dillon who cried big, fat, happy tears when I told her Luke was going home.

It was Bob and Gunther who first recognized Luke’s onset of NEC.  They likely saved his life.

And the list just keeps going.  These nurses were our taste of heaven in the middle of hell.  Thank you will never, ever be enough.  We love them, to the moon and back.


  1. Meggan on September 15, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    This post brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful tribute to an amazing group of people who are truly doing God's work.

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